As pathetic as this is, it is also true...
I can only hope that underneath the fear you will have about ever getting in a car with me again, that it will also make you laugh...
ReAnnon helped me count them out the other day, but prepare is scary!
Oklahoma Crashes:
First two were before I had my Drivers license:
1.Snuck out Dad's station wagon at the lake and ended up in a ditch.
2. Crashed my best friends Mother's new Monte Carlo while on vacation in Kentucky.
(Side note: Was looking at cows in the country and ran off the road wrapping car with barbed wire. A Grandpa farmer saw the crash from his field and came to get us. We rode over a mile to his house on his tractor with him.)
3. Age 20. Backed into our retaining wall in Paul's Monte Carlo and pulled a whole section of bricks off our house.
4. Age 21. Took off the front end of our Silver Corvette while turning left into a parking lot during a rainstorm.
5, 6,7 and 8. Ages 23-30 Honda Accord: a. and b. Fender benders backing into things, c. involved in a multiple 4-car crash when another car slammed on their brakes. d. Snowy boot slides off clutch when pulling out of driveway and slide into a neighbors car.
(Side note: It is also during this time and in this car that 20 month old Michael got out of his car seat and drove through the plate glass window at 7'11. not counting this crash because I wasn't driving)
California Crashes:
8. Age 30. Black Chevy Van: Came home after a long late shift at work and left Paul's Van parked at the very edge of a steep cliff in our triplex parking lot in Neutral instead of Park. Paul found it the next morning crashed into a giant boulder, which, was the only thing that kept it from going into the apartment complex at the bottom of the hill.
9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Ages 31-40 Jeep Wrangler: a. and b. Multiple fender benders while sliding on ice in parking lots. c. Crashed into garage door while having a fight with ReAnnon. d. ran into a car at the hotel while reading the mail. e. Suburban: Scratched and dented left side against cement pole while backing out of a parking garage. f. Scratched the front fender and running board at Carl's Jr. drive through by cutting the corner too close.
15, 16, and 17. Ages 42-49 Nissan Xterra...a. Driving exhausted after an all night flight, ran into a car in Carson city. Pieces of bumper and headlights all over the street. b and c. Multiple parking lot fender benders due to sliding on snow.
16. Age 50: Chrysler 300: Scraped bottom of whole left side against large rock by creek while pulling into driveway.
17. Age 51: Ford Truck: Hit a large Buck on 395. Left front bumper, headlight, and radiator destroyed. Big Buck died.
(One last side note: There is one car that I've never crashed. Paul's 64 Thunderbird...I wonder if I'll ever get to drive it?)